About Me...Pj Fay ~ Channel of Divine Light, Energy & Information

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The Truth of An Angel
My name is Pj Fay (formerly Pamela Brennan)
aka "The Angel of DeLight"
"The Messenger of DeLight!"
I am a Channel of
Divine Energy, Light and Information
My Channeling comes in many different forms, such as Angel Readings,
Many Art Creative Projects,
Consulting, Teaching and Healing.
Always and in all ways, all my sessions
are for my clients Highest and Best
and with Unconditional Love.
I have been in the metaphysical and healing arts for over 30 years and have over 35 years of sobriety.
My connection and relationship with Divine Guidance began when I was a little girl. I was about 7 years old when
Ascended St. Germain (Merlin) stood behind me while I was drawing. I was drawing stars, regular 5 pointed stars, when he came through and showed me how to draw a 7 pointed star! Ever since that day I have only drawn 7 pointed stars and he has been my Guide and Teacher.
Years later (in approx. 1988) during another visit to me, he gave me the 7 pointed star "to use as my personal symbol". He told me a few different aspects and meanings of the star and told me "you will know more later". And that time came in 1998 when my past life on Kauai,
and also Huna and Hawaiian Shamanism, were "revealed" to me. I have since been given more information regarding it. I suppose, and am grateful that, that will probably continue.
At the age of 23 I had a Divine Visitation, Ascended Master Jesus appeared at the foot of my bed and I had a Spiritual Awakening.
I was filled and surrounded with Love/Light and Peace that is indescribable and was life changing in the most glorious ways!
My life would never be the same...Thank God!
Since that moment it has been my passion to bring love, wisdom and enlightenment to myself and to others…with the ultimate goal being Heaven and Peace, within, and on Earth.
I am in close contact with many Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides. They come to me to show us all, to pass along the knowledge, of how to create the life we truly want to live...and better than we can even imagine!
It's all quite simple...if we could just get out of our own ways lol
I have studied extensively with far too many classes, workshops and courses to name, and I have many certifications.
I have been a Channel (direct messages) and an Energy Healer since 1988
Certified Hypnotherapist in 1996
7.7.97 I opened my bookstore "Visions ~ Books for your Mind, Body & Soul"
In 1998 I began my studies of Huna and the Adventurer Tradition of Hawaiian Shamanism and completed the HunaQuest course on Kauai twice.
2001 I was Ordained as an Alakai (an Ordained Spiritual Leader) with Aloha International.
2002 I was Certified as a Dynamind Practitioner, a powerful and very effective tapping technique, also with Aloha International.
2007 became a Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner.
2007 Certified as an Angel Messenger.
2008 Certified as an Advanced Angel Messenger.
2009 Certified as a One Command Practitioner.
2012 Published Author and Illustrator of my book 'Up To You!"
I also have Certifications in Rapid Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Art Therapy, Happiness Coaching and more
I have dug deep and done the work, my own self- work and I have transformed my life.
And as you can see below, I've had much to transform and heal! (I've omitted the long list of hard life experiences that i had previous listed below here - trust me...been there, done that, experienced that hard lesson...inside and out)
I continue on this path everyday...I walk the walk and continue to transform my world...and better than I could even imagine!
My Divine Guidance very strongly directed me to each of the tools I use today.
They are specific to bringing you a deeper connection with yourself and your Divine Guidance.
They are the tools that are the most effective and empowering, and that will best help you fully realize Self-Love.
Increasing self love is the necessary foundation of all personal transformation.
I love to help others create a life better than they can even imagine!
I have literally been through hell and back (some people don't even believe all the things I have gone through).
I've healed, transmuted and transformed....true alchemy....Heaven on Earth...and I can help you do the same no matter what your circumstances currently are...believe me "If I can do it, anybody can do it!"
I recently found these articles on my bookstore and on becoming an Alakai with Aloha International. They are shown in the slide show to the right----->
Time Flies!!!
Here's another one I found recently ---->>
My purpose and my mission is to help as many people as I can.
(Hoping to help millions of people!)
I'm here to help and teach
you how to increase self love.
So that you feel good enough about yourself,
that you then have the capacity and
the wisdom to fulfill your heart's desires!
I have the tools and the techniques,
the ways and the means,
to get you where you want to be.

I've walked the walk...and dug deep...and believe me...
if I can do it...anybody can do it!


Article on my bookstore "Visions ~ Books for Your Mind, Body and Soul"

Different view of same article for full content

Article on becoming an Alakai with Aloha International

Article on my bookstore "Visions ~ Books for Your Mind, Body and Soul"