I am a strong, true, bright and clear channel of the Highest Divine Light.
I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant.
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Divine Light
It's Energy, Light & Information
It's Healing by Love and Grace
It's DeLight~ful!

~ Pj Fay ~
~ Channel of Divine Light, Energy & Information ~
~ Artist & Author ~
~ Advanced Angel & Divine Guidance Readings ~
~ Divine Light Energy Sessions ~
(including energetic downloads and upgrades)
~ Transformational Tools and Sessions ~
Let's get this party started!
I look forward to hearing from you!
In Love and DeLight,
Pj Fay

Deliberately Create Your Life....
and better than you can even imagine!
"We cannot solve our problems with
the same thinking we used to create them"
~Albert Einstein
Your Divine Guidance and Angels have the
Highest Perspective and Solutions
Just Waiting For You!
TEXT PJ @ 508.246.1084
or email pj.fay@aol.com
(I no longer use a scheduling app)
Thank you
The Divine Light Session (automatically includes Angel Guidance and Information ~ 1 Hour $111. (Phone or In Person)
Be Bathed in the Love of Divine Light Angelic Frequencies and Receive Divine Information for your Highest and Best...
and Better Than You Can Even Imagine!
In these Sessions I Channel Divine Energy, Light and Information that is specific for YOU!
Who will come forth for you today? Perhaps Archangel Michael or maybe Merlin/St Germain?!
The possibilities are endless and they never cease to amaze me!
Spiritual Counseling – 1 Hour $111. (Phone or In Person)
Spiritual Counseling was the first step of my healing practice back in 1984.
I first I began by helping people through recovery and step programs.
As I write this I have 40 years of sobriety...one day at a time.
My style of Spiritual Counseling naturally includes Intuitive Divine Guidance “Angel Therapy”
I have always deeply loved this part of my healing practice.
Having gone through so many extraordinarily tough experiences when I was young...and beyond, there is not too many things that I don't personally relate to, and I have done the work and healed, as well.
As with all my sessions, I am always in a space of non-judgement and unconditional love. It is my honor and privilege to be of service.
The '707' Sessions - 1 Hour $111. (In person Only)
Upgrades and Downloads and Tune-up's!
These "707" Channeling and Healing Sessions were created, given to me and named, directly by my Divine Guidance.
These, as all my sessions, are of the Highest Healing and Light, as I always allow only the Highest and Best to come through for you.
The first "707" session happened spontaneously one day in 2008.
Since then I've been given further information regarding them (and why they are so needed and at this time) and I went through my own energetic light body and Mer-Ka-Ba preparation for these unique sessions.
Upgrades and Downloads of Energy, Light and Information! A "Tune-up"!
The first '7' symbolizes the information I channel from Divine Guidance for the client or for the group.
The '0' represents Creator and Source of All That Is, and being open to receive the Highest and Best..the unlimited potentiality...the better than you can even imagine!
And the second '7' symbolizes the Light Rays of Healing Energy that fill and surround the client or group as they receive the energetic "down loads and upgrades" and information with these powerful Divinely Orchestrated Frequencies.
Please note, the word "orchestrated" denotes harmony for you!
To put it simply, here's what happens; me and you (or group) sit face-to-face...while I do straight channeling (speaking the information I am receiving and describing what I am seeing, for you)...you are sitting in a beam, a ray of light, and receiving the energetic "downloads and upgrades".
It is a very relaxing and peaceful experience.
These '707' sessions have been called a 'Love Bath' among other beautiful names by my clients.
There are no prerequisites of any kind. Your Higher Self has called for this and has already been preparing you for this additional energetic support.
These sessions are a special blend of the Divine Energies to serve you on all levels.
The Divine Intention of them is to help, heal and support us in the Evolutionary Process we are now experiencing.
Although it is not a requirement to have had your personal "The Reconnection" before these sessions, they blend beautifully and
the "707" sessions greatly enhance your Divine Galactic Blueprint.
These sessions benefit all who attend and enhance all bio-energetic systems, transmuting them to the Highest Possible!
Each session is unique and specially designed by Divine Guidance specifically for those in attendance. No two individual sessions are alike.
These "707" sessions are a beautiful gift from Above and we are very blessed indeed to have this additional support and Love now!
The Reconnection - (2 Sessions – 2 days in a row) $333. (In Person only)
A-Once-In-A-Lifetime Event
This is New. This is Different. This is REAL! ​
It's Energy, Light and Information.
It's Divine Intelligence. ​
It's Healing by Grace.
I Love and Highly Recommend Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection for Everyone!
I truly believe The Reconnection is needed now more than ever before in history...
it's a once-in-a-lifetime event for your Highest and Best in this lifetime...and perhaps all lifetimes.
The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing are gifts beyond words.
My Divine Guidance came through strong, loud and clear to make sure that I got their message about
this new and unique healing frequency. (A story in itself!)
Please take a few minutes to read the information below and of course, feel free to call me if you have any questions at all.
The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing®
Discover healing beyond anything you've read about, thought about, dreamed about!
These new frequencies of healing can help us reconnect to healing on ALL levels.
This is New. This is Different. This is REAL! ​
It's Energy, Light and Information.
It's Divine Intelligence. ​
It's Healing by Grace.
The Reconnection® is a once-in-a-lifetime procedure that consists of two sessions.
Your personal Reconnection awakens your unique potential in this world through this energetic exchange.
People who receive The Reconnection have a new life ahead of them - often discovering their life's purpose, and discovering new directions, abilities and opportunities available for them to fulfill their life path.
Originally the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture lines, on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet.
These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected from these lines.
The Reconnection® brings in new axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and ultimately, for our evolution.
These axiatonal lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
The Reconnection® brings in and activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange, beyond solely that of energy, but of energy, light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of strings
(simultaneously occurring - or parallel - planes of existence).
While not required, it is suggested that you experience 1-3 Reconnective Healing® sessions prior to receiving your Personal Reconnection.
The Reconnection is an accelerated exchange of the energy, light and information found in the Reconnective Healing Frequencies.
It is a focused formation to connect three systems: the ley lines of our planet, the meridian lines of the human body and the universal energy grid.
The Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that ties us back into a timeless system of intelligence.
Now is your opportunity to experience these frequencies.
Contact me today if you have any questions, would like more information, or would like to schedule your sessions.
Any Denomination You'd Like ~ A gift For Yourself or Another
Email the details and I'll get it right out to you ~ this is a digital (not paper) gift certificate ~ I'll email it back to you filled in with your wishes
"Pamela (Pj) is a
heart centered,
knowledgeable teacher who
gently guides you
along your path..."
Allow Divine Intelligence to Help You ~
Believe You Deserve It...
Because You Do!
Believe You Are Worthy...
Because You Are!
Remember to speak with your Divine Guidance every day.
They truly are literally waiting to assist you when you ask them for help.
Building and nurturing a relationship with them is a light-filled
prophecy that you will always cherish.